All Of The Above

The best all of the above pages on (6 items)

All of the Above - Solaris
MP3 download of the song All of the Above by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, bass, banjo, accordion and djembe). , Everyone has their own way to, pray and be faithful, Who could say one way is the only way, People...
Could It Be - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Could It Be by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar and piano). In the beauty of the morning, in a tranquil state, As I sit in stillness to meditate, I discover once again, hmmm, a taste of earthly heaven....
All of the Above Lyrics All of the Above Lyrics
Lyrics and chords for All of the Above by Solaris: , Everyone has their own way to, pray and be faithful, Who could say one way is the only way, People find it, climbing mountains, or going fishing, Others find it, in each other, and suddenly start, kissing...

What a Man Can Be - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song What a Man Can Be by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2018 with vocals, guitar, ukelele, vioin, rg: vocals, banjo and ubass). , If I was the sun I would rise every morning, And shine on every one, If I...
Tatla Lake to Trail - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Tatla Lake to Trail by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2020 with vocals, guitar, percussion, keyboard, fiddle, bass, accordion and ). , From poplar and pine to mountain valley trails, that wind among the...

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