Glow - Awakeneers

I forgot to be present, what a nuisance man
I better try harder because I know that I can
Hold off on rendering my plans for the week
Hold off on noticing I need to take a leak
Hold off on thinking about me, me, me
Hold off on thinking about how others should be
Hold off on thinking of the chores I need to do
Hold off on thinking of the chores you need to do
Hold off on thinking of the girl with the ring
Who once thought that you were the very best thing

Put it all down just for now, just for now
Take little bow, slip out the window
Put it all down just for now, just for now
Take a look around, let everything glow...

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Tags: glow, put it all down glow, put it all down, slip out the window, songs about being present, paying attention, awakeneers recordings, vocals, ukulele, bass, drums, harmony vocals