Sunship Events



Spiritual Awakening Mystery Play

A musical theater experience tracing the storyline of spiritual unfoldment. From the beginnings of the quest, the inner journey continues through the arduous challenges of self-mastery, the onset of mystic awakening, and on to the realities of higher life.   From humble beginnings a profound magical ambience gradually emerges through the weave of songs, stories, prayers and dynamic theatrical athletics.   At times simple and ingenuous, humbly blunt and humorous, surprising or audacious, powerfully evocative, poignant, delightful, thought provoking, insightful, reverential, prayerful and ultimately inspirational.

Earth Vespers

Earth Vespers

Music for the Living Planet

Earth Vespers is a musical service in celebration of the beauty of Mother Earth, compassion for all who live here, and the interconnectedness of Life.   With fiddles, folk ballads, saxophone sing-alongs, a cappella anthems and reverential hymns, many genres of music are woven with inspiring readings in this mindful, heart-filled celebration of honour and gratitude for the miracle of Life on Mother Earth.

Seminars & Workshops

Seminars & Workshops

Intensive Self Discovery and Creative Arts Programs

An immersive experience of living and working within a community of those gathered for a time of dedicated, undistracted, full-on self-discovery, service, and transformation.   Seminars do not have a fixed program, instead each event occurs around the needs, capacities, and circumstances of the participants. Programs frequently include movements, meditation, self-observation and self-satire, specialized theatre improv, creative arts and music, dialogues, lectures and debates.



Dances of the Fourth Way Dervishes

A demonstration of rarely seen movements and music. From contemplative moving meditations to fiercely energetic dervish dances, these movements spring from living sources of ancient traditions, both East and West.   The program includes extraordinary forms of dancing meditations as well as a selection of treasured movements from the Gurdjieff legacy, carried forward to these times both as moving prayers and as a unique practice invigorating the inner striving to know oneself and cultivating the integration of body, heart, and mind.

Walk In The Light

Walk In The Light

Faith-bridging Musical Prayer Celebration

An opportunity for those of diverse pathways to join together in heartfelt celebration and Prayer. Reverential, joyful and mystically invigorating, this musical service invites a humble recognition of the Spirit that moves within all things and within all faiths. Honouring each participant’s divine connection, and at the same time remaining respectful and harmonious with many diverse spiritual traditions. The themes, readings and songs are consistent with the universal teachings on human conduct, ethics and integrity. This event aims to catalyse a powerful recognition of the Unity within all faiths, in an atmosphere of joyful celebration, inviting the participants to come together in harmonious and powerful prayer on behalf of all life on planet Earth.

Community Dances

Community Dances

Good-Spirited Traditional Music and Dancing

With a lot of laughter, a little bit of chaos, and plenty of good-hearted fun, traditional dances are a great way to celebrate and build community.

Upcoming events

Awakeneers Concert Saturday, Nov 2nd, 2024 TBA
Woodstove Festival, Cumberland BC, Canada
Awakeneers Guest Music and Concert Sunday, Nov 17th, 2024 10:30am
Comox Valley Presbyterian Church, 725 Aspen Rd, Comox BC, Canada
Awakeneers guest music in the service (10:30am) followed by a concert at 11:45am.
Awakeneers Feature Presentation Awakeneers Feature Presentation Saturday, Dec 14th, 2024 7:00pm
Highlands Music Coffee House, Caleb Pike House, 1589 Caleb Pike Road, Highlands BC, Canada
This event is free for those who can’t afford, and by donation for those who can and would like to support live music! Doors open at 6:30pm and the event starts with an open stage at 7:00pm
Awakeneers Guest Music Sunday, Dec 15th, 2024 10:30am
First Unitarian Church of Victoria, 5575 W Saanich Rd, Victoria BC, Canada
Awakeneers Concert Sunday, Dec 15th, 2024 TBA
First Unitarian Church of Victoria, 5575 W Saanich Rd, Victoria BC, Canada
Awakeneers Concert Saturday, Dec 21st, 2024 TBA
Bethlehem Centre, 2371 Arbot Road, Nanaimo BC, Canada
Awakeneers Concert Sunday, Mar 9th, 2025 7:00pm
Kelsey Centre, 652-A H'Kusam Way, Sayward BC, Canada

Past events

Awakeneers Concert

Awakeneers Concert

For more info and tickets visit:

The concert will also be livestreamed at:

Alchemy of Gathering Festival

Alchemy of Gathering Festival

Set in the beautiful atmosphere of the Kitty Coleman Woodland Gardens, the Alchemy of Gathering will focus on creating an open space for community to come together and celebrate our connections - connections to each other, to Nature, to community, and to ourselves.

Peace on Earthday Concert

Peace on Earthday Concert

With original folk ballads, rousing anthems and reverential hymns this Awakeneers concert is a heart-felt honouring of the sacred preciousness of Life on Earth, a celebration of the miraculous awesome interconnectedness of all forms of life, and compassion for all who live here.

Whatever our faiths, cultures, nationalities, and ethnicities, all humans share the Earth, our only home. This home and the living beings upon it — including many human communities and cultures — are in peril. As citizens of the Earth, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to respond to the condition of our world with love, compassion, understanding, and the deep knowledge that another way is possible and that we can contribute to it.

Doors open at 6:30pm
Event starts at 7:00pm
Admission is free / by donation but venue capacity is limited so reserve your seat in advance.

Get tickets here:

The Sanctuary at VanU is located on the corner of 49th and Oak at 949 W 49th Ave.

About the Awakeneers:
Awakeneers’ music centres around honest vocals sweetened with multi-part harmonies and acoustic instrumentation. The nomadic band of multi-instrumentalist songwriters — many of whom are siblings — segues seamlessly from a foot-stomping fiddle tune to a hip-hop guide to mindfulness, weaving a genre-bending blend of acoustic positivity that orbits elliptically around the idea of folk music. Their songwriting shines a light on life's big questions, celebrating the goodness of humanity and the miracle of Life on Earth. 

Newsletter Members Livestream Concert

Newsletter Members Livestream Concert

RSVP by emailing us at yes @ awakeneers dot com for the livestream link.

Awakeneers Patreon Livestream

Creative Culture Guide Cortes Island Launch

Creative Culture Guide Cortes Island Launch

The Creative Culture Guide is an evolving mandala of guiding principles and resources for sustainable society.

The mission of the guide is to serve as a complete and concise set of guidelines for a society where humans co-exist in a harmonious and equitable balance, honoring and supporting the well being of the entire biosphere and all its inhabitants.

Each sector of the mandala represents a fundamental human need and is addressed with an overview of principles for holistically understanding and addressing the topic.

The unique graphical interface brings attention to the vital connections across sectors, highlighting the opportunities and importance of holistic integrated solutions.

The sectors of the Creative Culture mandala are accompanied by a curated directory of resources for going deeper into each topic. Local on-the-ground organizations are highlighted with regional resource maps alongside global initiatives.

Earth Vespers

Earth Vespers

Earth Vespers is a musical service in celebration of the beauty of Mother Earth, compassion for all who live here, and the interconnectedness of Life.

With folk ballads, saxophone sing-alongs, a cappella anthems and reverential hymns, many genres of music are woven with inspiring readings in this mindful, heart-filled celebration of honour and gratitude for the miracle of Life on Mother Earth.

Folk University 50th Anniversary Event

Folk University 50th Anniversary Event

Solaris at The West Coast Communities Conference

The Merry McKentys Contra Dance

The Merry McKentys Contra Dance

Contra dancing is a fun, energetic form of traditional dancing that has been around for a few centuries at least. It is usually done in lines (and sometimes in circles), and is often likened to square dancing without the squares. There is no fancy footwork required, and a complete newcomer can be dancing along in a matter of minutes with the help of the dance caller, who gives instructions as the dance goes along. You can read more about it and even see a video of one here!

Mama Earth!

Mama Earth!

Join the Solaris Project for an evening concert at O.U.R EcoVillage celebrating the wonder of our living world, compassion for all who live here, and the interconnectedness of Life.

With fiddles, folk ballads, swingin' roots-rock, saxophones sing-alongs, a cappella anthems and reverential vespers, many genres blend in this musical celebration of the living Earth.

The Merry Mckentys at The Hollyhock Coffeehouse

The Merry McKentys at Coombs Bluegrass Festival

Solaris Concert at Victoria Day of Peace Celebration

Join us at Victoria's International Day of Peace celebration in downtown Victoria, BC. This inter-faith event coincides with the UN International Day of Peace, and will include participation from many spiritual traditions from the Victoria area, with music, workshops and films.

Solaris at Hollyhock SVI Conference

Solaris Concert

Solaris Concert

The 9 piece musical collaboration Solaris brings West Coast folk-roots fusion to the Larcom Theatre, in Beverly. With vibrant vocal harmonies, solid folk-roots instrumentation, and a repertoire of powerful original songs, Solaris delivers an uplifting musical message of awareness, kindness, and positive change.

Solaris Concert at International Humanities Conference

Concert at Creatively United for the Planet

Concert at Creatively United for the Planet

Enjoy a fabulous, locally-sourced gourmet four-course meal, amazing art, silent auction and two bands, including The Merry McKentys.

Merry McKentys Contra Dance at Vancouver Island Farmer Mixer

Merry McKentys Contra Dance at Vancouver Island Farmer Mixer

Music at Kombucha Town's Culture Caf

Solaris Concert

Solaris Concert

Solaris will be opening the season of holiday music at the California state capitol building.

An Evening of Music, Magic and the Golden Rule with Solaris and Steffan Soule

An Evening of Music, Magic and the Golden Rule with Solaris and Steffan Soule

With vibrant vocal harmonies, solid folk-roots instrumentation, and a repertoire of powerful and relevant original songs, Solaris delivers an inspiring musical message of awareness, responsibility, and empowerment for positive change.

Magician Steffan Soule focuses on the power of attention and how we can use it to apply the Golden Rule in a variety of situations in this exciting, positive and educational anti-bullying presentation.

Private concert at The Studio Space

Interfaith Choir Festival - International Day of Peace Concert

Interfaith Choir Festival - International Day of Peace Concert

Merry McKentys at the Quadra Fall Fair

Merry McKentys at the Quadra Fall Fair

Join us for a merry contra dance with enlivening live music at the Quadra Island Fall Fair! More info about the event can be found at

Merry McKentys & Solaris Concert and Contra Dance

Merry McKentys & Solaris Concert and Contra Dance

Solaris Music

Guest music for the morning service at the Canadian Memorial United Church and Centre for Peace.

Merry McKentys  Concert and Contra Dance

Merry McKentys Concert and Contra Dance

Join us for a lively evening of traditional dancing and live music! Contra dancing is fun, energetic, and easy. Our cheerful caller will have you kicking up your heels in no time! Sweet fiddle harmonies and happy foot-stomping dance tunes from The Merry McKentys.

Get advance tickets at Rufus' Guitar Shop or Highlife Records, or online at Brown Paper Tickets.

Find out more about contra dancing on the Merry McKentys Contra Dance page.

Solaris Concert and Merry McKentys Contra Dance

Solaris Concert and Merry McKentys Contra Dance

Fundraiser concert and contra dance for the UVic meditation club. Click here for ticket info

Find out more about contra dancing here:

Concert with Solaris and The Merry McKentys

Concert with Solaris and The Merry McKentys

Merry Mckentys - Contra Dance and CD Release Party

Merry Mckentys - Contra Dance and CD Release Party

Join the Merry Mckentys for a free Christmas Contra Dance and the release concert of their first studio album Out of the Woods. Live music, organic refreshments and dancing for the whole family. Everyone welcome!

Could It Be

Could It Be

Timeless questions, contemplations and discoveries, fresh lyrics and memorable melodies. This heart warming evening covers the spectrum; subtly simple, ingenuously amusing, revelatory, profound.
The Wild Canadians

The Wild Canadians

Accordion, violins, mandolin and guitar join in boisterous harmonies, playing perhaps the cheeriest set of traditional tunes you ever heard.
Village Dance

Village Dance

Up-beat traditional dances and hoppin' fiddle tunes with the "Merry McKentys". No experiance neccesary.
Shine On

Shine On

Three sets of live music: Contra dance & fiddling, spirit folk songs, and unclassic guitar.
Along The Way

Along The Way

Original songs & stories. Paradoxes, humiliations, follies, inspirations and revelations Along The Way.
Homeschool & Unschool Family Festival

Homeschool & Unschool Family Festival

An afternoon with Cortes Island homeschoolers.
Fun and educational activities for children, teens & adults.
Games, presentations, workshop-lets and more.

Contra Dance & Comedy

Contra Dance & Comedy

Hilarity. music and dancing with Todd Butler, virtuoso guitar-picking songwriter and former host of CBC's "Madly Off in All Directions"  followed by a great set of village dances and toe tapping traditional tunes.

Broadband: Music, Movements, Spirit

Broadband: Music, Movements, Spirit

Fiddling - Laughing - Dancing - Original Songs
Music - Movements - Prayer

  A Very Merry Contra Dance

A Very Merry Contra Dance

Kick up your heels to lively traditional fiddle and acoustic music and do-si-do your way through country dance favorites old and new! Square dancing without the squares! Fun for ages 2-200.
Get the live event CD here!
 Mishra Concerts & Class

Mishra Concerts & Class

Master sitarist Pandit Shivnath Mishra and his son Deobrat Mishra visited Cortes Island during their 2006 summer tour. Based in Varanasi, India, the Mishras tour widely through Europe and North America. Sunship Productions hosted an outdoor Kirtan concert after their regular performance in 2006. In the summer of 2005, Deobrat Mishra gave a workshop on Indian devotional singing at the IDEA gallery on Cortes Island.

Sunship Rising

Sunship Rising

A ceremonial presentation of songs, chants, work rhythms, exercises, zikhr & meditation in motion.

What's Possible - What's likely -   WHAT'S  NEXT

What's Possible - What's likely - WHAT'S NEXT

Global ecosystems awareness, bio regional networking. Local realities - local action.

What on Earth is going on?

What on Earth is going on?

A visual, informational and musical presentation on the state of the world.

15 Global maps, 100 charts & graphs, images and video clips, live music, poems and narration, questions and answers, informative hand outs and gourmet organic goodies.

Tags: events, concerts, live events, sunship event listings