Village Dance

Village Dance
It’s worth it to go out for an evening of traditional fun,
fiddling and folk dancing!
A great way to laugh and make merry with your friends
and neighbors, these are “no experience necessary” events,
a caller tells you what to do each step of the way.
Hilarity fully guaranteed or your money cheerfully
This “Village Dance” includes Scottish, French
and Greek dances and especially “Contra” dancing
a lot like square dancing, (but no squares)
which has been enjoying a huge resurgence of popularity
across Canada and the US with, you’ll never guess,
young and currently very hip people!
The music of the “Merry McKentys” is cheerful, up-beat
and very danceable. Five homeschooled siblings and
their Dad, this family band started their musical adventures
in a dirt floored cabin on a snowy B.C. mountain side,
without electricity, TV, phone or running water.
Almost 2 decades later, they are still traveling
and playing music together, at home on Cortes Island,
or when sailing the Salish Sea on their wooden ketch.
September 10 2010 - Mansons Hall, Cortes Island BC
October 1 2010 - Mahon Hall, Saltspring Island BC
October 9 2010 - Gabriola Community Hall, Gabriola Island BC