
The best banjo pages on (12 items)

Rolling Wheels - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Rolling Wheels by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, ukelele, fiddle, banjo, bass, djembe, bodhran, percussion, guitar and accordion). Oh the wheels are rolling taking me to see, All the sweetest places in...
What a Man Can Be - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song What a Man Can Be by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2018 with vocals, guitar, ukelele, vioin, rg: vocals, banjo and ubass). , If I was the sun I would rise every morning, And shine on every one, If I...
Lone Waltz - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Lone Waltz by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2021 with violin, banjo, drum, whistle, guitar, bass and keyboard). , , , . , , . , . , ,
All of the Above - Solaris
MP3 download of the song All of the Above by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, bass, banjo, accordion and djembe). , Everyone has their own way to, pray and be faithful, Who could say one way is the only way, People...
Buttons - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Buttons by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, bass, banjo and djembe). Buttons buttons, who's got buttons?, Inspired by buttons to write this cheer. Care to hear..?, A button got pushed, uh...
Consider - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Consider by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with guitar, vocals, keyboard, accordion, bass, banjo and djembe). Consider the earth beneath my feet, Consider the air that smells so sweet, Consider the food that I must...
Every Piece - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Every Piece by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, ukelele, drums, accordion, bass, banjo and djembe). The world's full of people, And they're all related to me, I've got several million relatives, In...
A Gathering of Friends - Solaris
MP3 download of the song A Gathering of Friends by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, accordion, bass, banjo and djembe). , I'd like to sing you the story of a, Gathering of friends. Gathered together in the glory...
High Five - Solaris
MP3 download of the song High Five by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, keyboard, guitar, ukelele, cello, bass, banjo and djembe). Hey you, Time to get into present time, Hey you, Look around and see what you find, Hey you, You've...
Integrity - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Integrity by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, ukelele, guitar, accordion, bass, banjo and djembe). Integrity, Stand by me, Help me to be, How I should be. Integrity can help you out in making good decisions,...
Peace Comes From Within - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Peace Comes From Within by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, accordion, bass, banjo, drums and djembe). Peace must come from within, you and me, We gotta be the change we wanna see , Talking...
Rock Solid - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Rock Solid by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, keyboard, bass, banjo, drums and djembe). Instrumental, Rock solid, hold me to it, Rock solid, I can do it. Finding ways to make tracks toward, higher...

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