
The best watch pages on (6 items)

Wise Woman - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Wise Woman by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2020 with vocals, guitar, percussion and bass). , My grand mama is a wise woman, said here’s my advice to you my grandson, Learn to hold the door wide open,...
Alive - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Alive by Awakeneers (Awakeneers self-titled debut recording from 2021 with vocals, piano, vocal harmony, cello and bass). In the early, early morning when the sun is in my eyes, When I sand up and rise. When I walk upon your...
MP3 download of the song Glutenous Rag by Solaris (Porch Concert recording from 2014 with vocals, keyboard, harmony vocals and guitar). Hey wheat!, Such a sweet comfort treat. Beats me why we have to try to rely no longer, on our daily wheat bread so...
Wise Woman Lyrics Wise Woman Lyrics
Lyrics and chords for Wise Woman by Awakeneers: , My grand mama is a wise woman, said here’s my advice to you my grandson, Learn to hold the door wide open, let everyone walk on through before you, Learn to slow down when you’re talking, watch the...

Slow Down Lyrics Slow Down Lyrics
Lyrics and chords for Slow Down by Solaris: Time to slow down, don't live so fast. Let the rat race, race past. Take your time and make it last. Go outside and listen to the trees. Stand still and watch the breeze. Time to slow down, don't talk so fast....

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