More Than You Know

The best more than you know pages on (6 items)

More Than You Know - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song More Than You Know by Awakeneers (Willow Point Studio recording from 2020 with vocals, guitar, harmony vocals, keyboard and bass). It's all so simple, and it's all so complicated, There's nowhere to go, and it's so hard to get...
More Than You Know Lyrics More Than You Know Lyrics
Lyrics and chords for More Than You Know by Awakeneers: It's all so simple, and it's all so complicated, There's nowhere to go, and it's so hard to get back there, Have you ever tried to fly without trying, Have you ever tried to see the one who's looking,...

Believe - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Believe by Solaris (Barn Studio Version recording from 2014 with vocals, keyboard and bass). Before I was born, was there some form of me?, After I die, then what will I be? Mmmmm. If I picked the right religion would it save...
So Worth Living - Solaris
MP3 download of the song So Worth Living by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, beat boxing, drums and djembe). , Life, is so worth living, (so worth living), if you don't think so, time to do some forgivin', (do some forgivin'), and...
Glow - Awakeneers
MP3 download of the song Glow by Awakeneers (Glow 2023 Single recording from 2023 with vocals, ukulele, bass, drums and harmony vocals). I forgot to be present, what a nuisance man, I better try harder because I know that I can, Hold off on rendering...
Every Piece - Solaris
MP3 download of the song Every Piece by Solaris (Bells album recording from 2015 with vocals, guitar, ukelele, drums, accordion, bass, banjo and djembe). The world's full of people, And they're all related to me, I've got several million relatives, In...

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